


The 体育菠菜大平台’s CARE Team is a group of professionals from across the campus that receives referrals on students of concern, 收集其他信息, and identifies and enacts appropriate strategies for addressing the concerns.

The purpose of the team is to provide a confidential means for early intervention of at-risk students through collaboration with campus departments, 教师, 和工作人员.

The CARE Team is not meant to be the sole mechanism of communication and will not take the place of services provided by 学生健康 and 咨询, 学生操守办公室, 大学警察, 或其他已建立的学生服务.


A person at risk, or in a crisis, is no longer coping effectively. 当他或她的情绪加剧时, coping becomes less effective until the person becomes disoriented, 非功能, 或企图伤害自己或他人. 有严重心理健康危机的学生可能是:

  • 极度焦虑,导致恐慌反应
  • Making suicidal statements or attempting to harm himself
  • 高度破坏性(敌对的,侵略性的,暴力的)
  • Unable to communicate (garbled or slurred speech, disjointed thoughts)
  • Appearing to lose touch with reality (seeing or hearing things that aren't there, (表达与现实不符的信念或行为)


If you believe there may be imminent danger of harm to a student or someone else, 请致电308-865-8911报警和停车服务, or 911. 如果你不确定, call 学生健康 and 咨询 at 308-865-8248 or 学生事务 at 308-865-8528 between the hours of 8 a.m. 还有5p.m. 点击链接, 推荐形式 to email the CARE Team directly and privately, if the situation is not an immediate crisis.


Distress can be exhibited without a student being in a serious crisis.


  • Quality of their work is deteriorating; missing assignments, attendance or appointments
  • Requests accommodations repeatedly (late papers, extensions, postponed exams)
  • Writes on themes of hopelessness, social isolations, rage, or despair, or making threats
  • He is disruptive or monopolizing classroom time; her patterns of interaction change
  • Is demonstrating anxiety, panic; irritability or aggressive behavior
  • 显示了冷漠, 精力不足, 睡眠或饮食习惯的改变, or dramatic weight gain or loss; marked changes in hygiene, 工作习惯, 或者社会行为
  • Makes statements about suicide or having suicidal thoughts
  • Voices bizarre ideas, seemingly at odds with the reality of the situation
  • 过度使用酒精或其他药物
  • 其他人表达了担忧


A person who is distressed often wants help, but doesn't know how to ask. Express your concern in a caring, nonjudgmental way. It is possible that just a few minutes of effective listening on your part may be enough to help the student feel comfortable about what to do next

  • Find a private (not secluded), comfortable place to talk. 给学生你全部的注意力.
  • Ask if the student has ever talked about this problem with anyone else.
  • Express your concern using statements like, “I’m concerned that….”
  • 问开放式问题. The student may not answer, but may feel relieved to know you are trying to understand.
  • 你不需要找到解决方案. 只是倾听会有帮助.
  • 建议这个学生得到更多的帮助. Point out the resources at 体育菠菜大平台 to the student, listed in the 推荐部分.
  • 将对话报告给CARE小组.
  • 提醒你的主管这种情况.